Wednesday, 22 September 2010

To Kill a Bed Bug - Pick up your Weapon

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Killing a single bedbug can be as easy as rolling on top of it in your sleep. Ridding a home or hotel of its siblings and cousins on the other hand, is an exhausting and expensive task. Skip related content

Nearly eliminated a few decades ago, bedbugs are back with a vengeance.

They've overtaken college dorms, military barracks, apartment complexes, office buildings and even forced the closure of Niketown's flagship New York store Monday.

And they are big business: 258 million dollars in the United States last year, according to the National Pest Management Association.

Leading experts gathered in a Chicago suburb Tuesday for a two-day summit on eradicating the hardy critters, which can live a year without feeding and like to explore at night, often catching rides to new homes in luggage, handbags and clothing.


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