Thursday, 23 December 2010

Sign Our Letter: Stop the Inhumane Treatment of Bradley Manning

Amplify’d from
Sign Our Letter: Stop the Inhumane Treatment of Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning deserves humane treatment while he awaits trial.

Please add your name to our letter urging the Marines to lift the heavy restrictions of Manning’s unnecessary “Prevention of Injury” order.

Bradley's friend, David House, will deliver your letter to the Commanding Officer at the Quantico Marine Base brig when he next visits Bradley Manning.

Outside the US? Enter Zip code '00000' to sign.
Letter to Commanding Officer, US MCB Quantico Brig:

Pfc. Bradley Manning has been held for five months under “maximum custody” at Quantico Marine Corps Base under your supervision. Pfc. Manning is under a “Prevention of Injury Order” (POI) that puts him in severe isolation and that limits his:


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