Tuesday, 15 February 2011

38 senior Army heroes sacked by Email

Amplify’d from www.thesun.co.uk

Heroes sacked by email

Disgusted ... 'callously' sacked men have spent their lives in the military

TROOPS were stunned yesterday after 38 senior heroes including one on the
Afghan front line were crassly sacked by EMAIL.

The shocked men - all warrant officers - were informed they were victims of
defence cuts.

Each got an impersonal message advising them: "Start planning your
resettlement." One stormed: "I thought it was a joke."

The MoD was branded "shameful and callous".

The group, who all have more than 20 years' service, includes a Royal Tank
Regiment veteran unceremoniously dumped while serving on the frontline in
Afghanistan. Another - who risked his life doing FIVE warzone
tours - said: "It was out of the blue. We're disgusted.

Read more at www.thesun.co.uk

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