Monday, 14 March 2011

Where do i come from?

Stolen Babies

Amplify’d from

Eight members of the military junta that ran Argentina in the 1970s are now sitting in a courtroom in Buenos Aires. They are accused of trafficking in stolen babies. Those babies are now around 35 years old. Many of them (but as you shall hear, not all) will soon be telling their stories in court. For example:

Francisco's Story

One day in 1977, the Madariagas — a young couple, left-wing activists, living in Argentina — both disappeared, leaving no note, no trace. Their parents went to the police, then to the government for help. They were especially concerned because the Madariagas were expecting a baby. They asked for information. The police had none. This case, officials said, was a mystery. They had no idea where the Madariagas had gone. We now know that was a lie.


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