Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Atlanta Lightning

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A favorite of everyone... It wasn't the strongest hit but the way it winds down is amazing!

Pictures of the big storm that came in on Monday night from the Viewpoint Condos in Midtown Atlanta. These were taken from around 11PM to 2AM on a Canon 5D Mark II, 16-35mm f/2.8L lens at 18mm, f/11 around 3.2-8s exposures. They aren't composed well and were pulled away to reduce reflections, but hey, I was tired and didn't want to venture out on the balcony 500 feet up in 70mph ground winds! Not this time at least...
This was one of two hits that hit the BoA tower and showered sparks and burning metal for a good 15s or so down to the ground. I didn't even try to get a picture of lightning, just a quick shot of the whiteness of the cloud-to-cloud hits that just brighten up the sky at this point.
This was one of two hits that hit the BoA tower and showered sparks and burning metal for a good 15s or so down to the ground. I didn't even try to get a picture of lightning, just a quick shot of the whiteness of the cloud-to-cloud hits that just brighten up the sky at this point.
So apparently a 16mm lens on full frame isn't enough. I guess I need more gear, like a fisheye?!
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