Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Brazil's Amazon settles

Amplify’d from www.bbc.co.uk

Brazil's Amazon settlers 'scratching out a living'

Deforested sector of the Amazon rainforest

The charred tree stumps in the Amazon rain forest tell their own story.

Even though the trees here are probably the best-protected anywhere on earth - at least in theory - someone is still cutting them down and burning them.

For several years now, the Brazilian government has insisted that the rate of deforestation in the Amazon has declined sharply.

But earlier this year, it suddenly jumped again, to a rate five times higher than last year.

These trees play a vital part in the management of global weather patterns.

They absorb carbon dioxide, which otherwise would contribute to climate change. That is why Brazil is under pressure to protect the forest.

Read more at www.bbc.co.uk

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