Tuesday 23 August 2011

The world as animals see & sniff it

Amplify’d from www.newscientist.com

Crittervision: The world as animals see (and sniff) it

How does a dog smell the future, or a turtle surf the magnetic ocean? Let five beasts with super senses show you the world through their eyes

Where you and I see flowers, bees see ultraviolet landing strips, and a lot more besides
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Pigeons, sea turtles, chickens, naked mole rats and perhaps even cattle can detect the Earth's magnetic field, sometimes with astonishing accuracy
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A bat would probably have no trouble imagining how it is to see like a human. For us to imagine their world, though, it is somewhat trickier
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For a dog, with a sense of smell thousands of times more sensitive than ours, burying its face in a trash can is like diving into a multilayered landscape
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Read more at www.newscientist.com

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