Friday, 27 August 2010

Man Admits to having Sex with 1,000 Cars!

Amplify’d from

Man Admits To Having Sex With 1,000 Cars! But Don’t Worry, He’s Not Gay Or Anything


Yeah, it’s a common joke to make. cars are intentionally designed to evoke the finest parts of the female anatomy, and cars that do this well usually end up on our walls or desktops inspiring depraved fantasies of hooligan activity. But car lust amounts to lust for power, speed, exclusivity, aesthetic value, and the gene se quoi that makes cars just–so damn cool. Grunt in agreement, toolmen!

But Edward Smith has taken our playful flirtations one step further. “As far as women go, they never really interested me much. And I’m not gay.”

Yeah, thank goodness for that. Because in comparison with banging your commuter vehicle, having sex with other people of the same gender is quite strange indeed.

In the Biblical sense, he has “known” his cars, very, very well. At 57 years old he has admitted to having sex with over 1,000 cars, some of them his own, others merely seductive examples minding their own business in parking lots and showrooms of friends and strangers alike. And he has the pictures to prove it.


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