Friday, 27 August 2010

Prince Harry passes helicopter test

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'Thrilled' Prince Harry passes helicopter test

'Thrilled' Prince Harry passes helicopter test

Army recruit Prince Harry is said to be “thrilled” after learning he passed his ‘ground school’ exam - a part of his Apache helicopter training course.

The rigorous test is designed to assess his maths skills, a subject the prince readily admits is not his strong point.

Having earlier come through his basic helicopter training with flying colours, British Army commanders selected Harry to train as an Apache helicopter pilot.

Calling it a “huge honour” to learn to fly an “awesome helicopter”, he admitted that the training course would most likely be “one of the biggest challenges” of his life.

After passing the exam at his first attempt, the young royal joined his friends at a nightclub in Chelsea to celebrate.

A Clarence House spokesman said: "Flying comes more naturally to Harry than the mathematical and scientific papers which have marked the start of his course.

"By passing this exam it means that he can now get into simulators and it takes him a big step nearer to climbing into an Apache."


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