Friday, 29 October 2010

Locks of love

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It seems that locks aren’t just simply used to keep property secure from theft and vandalism any more. For decades now a custom has slowly been creeping across the world whereby loving, romantic, and sometimes superstitious couples have decided to write messages on padlocks, attach them to certain landmarks in specific areas - more often than not railings and fences - and then throw away the key. The practice, as well as symbolising a couple’s unending love for each other, is in some countries thought to bring good luck to a relationship.

Pecs, Hungary

Pecs, Hungary

Above: The famous lock fence of Pécs in Hungary, where the practice is thought to have begun, in Europe at least, back in the 1980s. Area officials were quickly forced to designate this particular spot ‘love lock friendly’ in a bid to curb the rampant placement of lock in other areas when the trend took off.

Moscow, Russia

Moscow Russia
Seoul, South Korea
Cologne, Germany
Korakuen, Japan
Wroclaw, Poland
Montevideo, Uruguay
Rome, Italy
Huangshan, China
Odessa, Ukraine
Prague, Czech Republic
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