Why do some women devote their lives to saving cats?
If a dog is a man's best friend, the stereotype is that cats tend to endear themselves more to female pet owners. But some women go further, giving their lives to the care of cats. Why?
Ancient civilisations may have worshipped cats, but from the black cat on a witches' broomstick to the image of a spinster who has substituted any hope of a husband with a cat, the female's relationship with felines has sometimes been regarded as slightly suspect.
Yet for some women, giving cats a home is a lifetime pursuit.
Pat, a pensioner, has always taken in stray cats and says she is particularly drawn to the old, sick and unwanted ones.
"I don't know why I love animals so much. Perhaps it was my upbringing. My dad was a bully... bullied my mum and he used to drown kittens," says the 71-year-old from Dagenham, east London.
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