Sunday, 12 December 2010

Is this the Biggest Snowman in the world ?

Amplify’d from

It's Frosty, super-sized.

This 31-foot behemoth - dubbed 'Milocinek' - is casting a long, frigid shadow over Trzebnica, Poland.

A group of 'bored' Poles started building him one day - and then decided they would just keep going.

Six days later, they hunted down a barrel for a hat and a traffic cone for a nose, and their work was done.

Big boy: A 31-foot snowman with a barrel for a hat and a traffic cone for a nose towers above cars and houses in Trzebnica, Poland, on Saturday

The resulting Goliath of a snowman stands on eye-level with surrounding two-storey homes, and dwarfs passing cars.

The snowman was completed Friday near the town of Trzebnica in southwestern Poland.

A Polish newspaper's website reported Saturday that the snowman's builders believe Milocinek is the largest snowman built in Poland since winter weather set in more than a week ago.

Other observers go further - suggesting he may well be the largest snowman in the world.

But with a major storm dumping two inches of snow an hour on America's mid-west last night, and thousands of children being held home from school, that record may not last for long.


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