Monday, 13 December 2010

The Next Space Race

Amplify’d from

The Next Space Race

The thrills of the last space race between the United States and the erstwhile Soviet Union still invokes the passion of humankind's desire to expand its domain beyond its current confines.
The last Space Race ended mainly due to economic concerns, and the fact that there was no real edge either Super Power could attain by continuing it. The scientific and human achievements were, however, mind-boggling. It was a new beginning in humanity's tryst with its own destiny and existence, even though the reasons behind it may have been far from noble.
As the planet enters a new world order, which will most probably be multi-polar, the stakes, as far as space exploration is concerned, have increased. New ideas and technological capabilities have broadened possibilities.
Space Station
Unfortunately, the new space age will, once again, not be based upon the concept of global cooperation,
 but that of rivalry. Nations will strive to outdo one another and compete for the attainment of resources, to enhance national power and prestige.

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