Sunday, 12 December 2010

What is

Amplify’d from

Amplify Clips Text, Images, and More to Share Across Social NetworksAmplify Clips Text, Images, and More to Share Across Social NetworksFirefox/Chrome/Web-Based: Amplify is a clipping service on steroids; it combines blogging, micro blogging, web clipping, and link sharing into a streamline server that makes it easier than ever to share information with as many of your friends and followers as possible.

The best way to describe Amplify is as a meta-dashboard for all your information sharing needs. If you feel like your attention and your ability to share has been fragmented by too many social networks or communication channels Amplify gives you the ability to streamline everything into one command center.

After signing up for a free account at Amplify, linking your social networking and other profiles—Amplify supports autoposting to Twitter, Facebook, Buzz, Posterous, Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger,, Friendfeed, Delicious, and more—and adding either their bookmarklet or their Chrome/Firefox extension, you're ready to easily share links, media, and microblog posts across your entire social network. Updates can go out immediately or on a set schedule. Everything you "amplify" using the service goes on your personal Amplog.

Read more about Amplify at the link below or sign up for a free account to take it for a test drive.


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