Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Pensioner foiled SIX robbers with handbag

Watch this lady run down the street to fight of these robbers !

Amplify’d from www.dailymail.co.uk

'Nobody was doing anything, so I just clobbered them!' OAP tells how she foiled SIX robbers with her handbag

An incredibly brave pensioner who used her handbag to fight off six hammer-wielding robbers trying to break into a jewellers has said she was shocked that no one else did the same.  

The woman, who does not want to be named, fended off robbers armed with sledgehammers and her heroics were captured on video as the criminal gang tried to break into Michael Jones Jewellers in Northampton, yesterday morning.

'I was standing talking with a woman when I heard a commotion and I looked across and saw six young men on scooters,' said the pensioner.

Now scroll down to see the video

Have some of that: The brave woman wallops one of the men attempting the raid at the Northampton jewellers
Don't you dare! The woman, in red, spots the raiders smashing their way into the jewellers

Don't you dare! The woman, in red, spots the raiders smashing their way into the jewellers

Back off: The pensioner runs over to the jewellery shop and batters the raiders with her handbag before they flee the scene empty-handed

Back off: The pensioner runs over to the jewellery shop and batters the raiders with her handbag before they flee the scene empty-handed

I've not finished: She swipes at one of the robbers as they flee the scene

I've not finished: She swipes at one of the robbers as they flee the scene

passersby run up and hold one of the men until police arrive
See more at www.dailymail.co.uk

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