Saturday 4 December 2010

Old fashioned Tree carol

Amplify’d from

I always thought that it was the flip side of Gene Autry’s ‘Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer’ record done way back, I guess, in the early 1940s. Whenever it was made, it was always the one that I wanted played as a little girl and to this day I still know all the words.

Here are lyrics of Old Fashioned Tree:

Every year it’s just an Old Fashioned Tree

Trimmed with tinsel that shone in candle light.

In the window where neighbors all could see,

How we kept our Christmas merry and bright.

I loved the evening we’d trim the tree and then

We’d all sing carols and pledge good will toward men.

Every year it’s just an Old Fashioned Tree,

That brings all the joy of Christmas to me.


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