Wednesday 12 January 2011

8 Ways to be UBER Charismatic

Amplify’d from

8 Ways to be UBER Charismatic

8 Ways to be UBER Charismatic

What did JFK, Marilyn Monroe and Hitler all have in common?

They were all renowned charismatics that lit up every room they entered.

You’ve most likely met one of these kinds before. The guy/girl at the party. They possess some strange quality that causes them to be liked by everyone and constantly at the center of attention. Their eyes and the way they carry themselves convey power and magnetism and you can’t quite figure out why.

Robert Greene studied these people and detailed the methods one can use to become a charismatic in his book “The Art of Seduction.” He outlines the 10 characteristics that make up ‘charisma’, effectively quantifying a talent you might think people are simply born with. Here are the 8 of them:


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