Saturday 7 May 2011

6 Life lessons I'v learned from the farm

6 Life Lessons I’ve Learned from the Farm

Driving out to the country amongst the small family farms always brings me to a happy place in my heart. I know the way to Grandma and Grandpa’s farm by heart, not just by the roads that bring me there but by the hills and the fields I pass along the way. I can spot my grandparent’s clump of trees that encapsulate their 19th century farm home at least a mile away.

I spent countless days of my childhood on the farm – mooing at the cows and watching grandpa plow the fields while grandma tends to her garden. I relish every visit to the farm – it is something I will miss dearly when I move to Costa Rica. Grandma so often has a pan of brownies ready for the taking (unless Grandpa has gotten to them already). And of course, there’s nothing like a good ol’ fashioned Christmas down on the farm.


1 comment:

Joe Todd said...

Love farms.. Have a great week