Thursday 2 June 2011

What creatures inhabit the surface of your cell phone ?

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What creatures inhabit the surface of your cell phone?

Germaphobes may want to navigate away from this page, lest they find themselves tempted to scrub their cell phones as often as their hands. Because cell phones are not only dirty, some of them even play host to what researchers are calling "worrisome" drug-resistant bacteria.

A team from the Department of Medical Microbiology at Inonu University in Malatya, Turkey, set out to answer the question that serves as the title of their report: Do mobile phones of patients, companions, and visitors carry multidrug-resistant hospital pathogens?

They cultured 200 mobile phones, collecting swab samples from three parts of each phone: the keypad, the microphone, and the earpiece. They also separated the phones into two groups: those belonging to medical employees (67) and those belonging to patients and visitors (133).

See more at

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