Sunday, 3 October 2010

The Wigan Recipe Book 1925

Amplify’d from
The Wigan Recipe Book, 1925

The Wigan Recipe BookA souvenir "Favourite Recipe" Book collected and arranged by the teachers of St. Thomas's School for the Grand Bazaar "Ye Olde Englishe Fayre", held at the Drill Hall, Wigan in 1925.
96 pages filled with local adverts, recipes sent in by Wiganers, household hints, quotations...
Select a page below:
The Wigan Recipe Book, November 1925.
Souvenir Book to raise funds for Wigan C.E. Schools.
Goodwin's (ad)
Wigan Parish Church. The Nave (photo)
F. Russell, confectioner & fruiterer (ad)
St. Thomas's Church, Wigan (photo)
Cafe Makinson (ad)
Tomato soup, Kidney soup
J. Davenport & Sons, tobacconists (ad)
Celery soup, Potato soup, Onion soup
John Clarke, fish, game and poultry (ad) - J. W. Broughton, confectioner and tobacconist (ad)
Baked codfish, Fish souffle, Fish cakes, Potted shrimps
Chas. Scott, boot repairer (ad)
Creamed fish, Dressed crab, American sandwich
Alf Peacock, the Pinafore King (ad)

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