Friday 18 February 2011

Spanish nun expelled from order over Facebook usage

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Spanish nun expelled from order over Facebook usage

A Spanish nun has been kicked out of the religious order where she lived the last 35 years in seclusion after spending too much time on the social networking site Facebook.

María Jesús Galán

María Jesús Galán, dubbed "Sister Internet" by her
fellow nuns, announced on her Facebook
page that she had been asked to leave the convent after disagreements over
her online activities.

The 54-year old, who lists her hobbies as "reading, music, art, and
making friends" had almost 600 Facebook "friends"at the time
of her eviction and now has fan pages with thousands of supporters from
around the globe calling for her to be allowed back into the order.

A computer was first brought onto the premises of the 14th century Santo
Domingo el Real convent in Toledo, central Spain 10 years ago after the
Mother Superior was persuaded it would lessen the need for nuns to enter the
outside world.


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