Saturday 4 September 2010

How to avoid a Hangover

Amplify’d from

  • Publish Date: Sep 3, 2010

Road To Recovery

How to avoid a hangover on Labor Day weekend.

We've reached the final long holiday weekend of summer. This means we might do the same thing we did during the one in the middle of summer (July 4) and the one at the beginning (Memorial Day): Enjoy just a little too much wine.

But it's September, so any sensible wine drinker should know by now that having a healthy holiday weekend involves moderation--and, in turn, avoiding a crippling hangover. In case you overdid it earlier this summer, here are some good rules to follow for the next three days:

• Eat plenty of food before you start sipping your wine, not after.
• Stay hydrated. Try having a glass of water with or between each glass of wine.
• Tannins can cause worse headaches for some people. If this has happened to you in the past, go with a white wine instead of red.

For more tips on preventing a throbbing headache and other hazards of overindulgence this Labor Day weekend, check out WebMD's list of facts and myths about hangovers. You'll also learn some healthy consumption habits to live by--and pitfalls to avoid--that'll serve you well for the rest of the year.

Enjoy your last taste of summer!


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