Tuesday 14 September 2010

Pope Memorabilia

Amplify’d from www.bbc.co.uk

Pope's visit: The appeal of memorabilia

Thousands of worshippers are expected to turn out for Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the UK, and some will return home with a keepsake by which to remember their visit.

When the Pope stretches out his arms to the masses gathered in parks in Glasgow, Birmingham and London this weekend, the rock star parallels will be exaggerated by the appearance of the adoring crowds.

Some will be wearing the official papal visit T-shirt (£18) while holding aloft an electronic flashing candle (£3).

Others may sport, against the autumn chill, an official baseball cap (£15) bearing the slogan of the newly beatified Cardinal Newman: "Heart Speaks Unto Heart".

In their pockets they may, in prayer, thumb an official papal visit rosary or jangle an official key-ring picturing a smiling Benedict XVI, with mitre and papal cross, lest they be locked out post-pilgrimage.

Read more at www.bbc.co.uk

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